Sarah Rose Donnelly

Sustainability leader with 13 years in retail consulting, solving complex challenges through strategic design and creative leadership.

Uniquely positioned as a sustainability strategist with a Master’s In Sustainable Design


Sustainability & Industry Expertise

Design can create or solve sustainability challenges

Design plays a crucial role in addressing sustainability challenges, offering solutions to interconnected social and environmental issues with a systems-thinking approach.

Pioneering sustainable design leadership

As the Creative Manager for Sustainability, I bridge the gap between the growing demand for sustainable solutions in retail and the sustainable design strategy necessary to support our emerging future.

Cultivating positive impact past the bottom line

Going beyond financial metrics, I am dedicated to cultivating a positive impact that extends to society, the environment, and stakeholders, shaping a more equitable and regenerative future for us all.



Sustainability is no longer a fleeting trend but a business imperative. While the risks of inaction can no longer be ignored, a significant benefit of developing actionable sustainability strategies builds resiliency for your business and brand.

Guest Speaking Appearances


Guest Speaker At Sustainability Summit MN AIGA Design Camp ‘20

The session 'Designing in the Climate Crisis: Sustainable Design 101' with Calvin LaBrie & Eric Benson heightened awareness regarding the risks associated with inaction within the design industry, while also introducing actionable sustainable design strategies aimed at empowering behavioral change among designers in the Midwest.

Guest Speaker for ‘A Slice of Sustainability: The Future of Food’

A comprehensive Table Talk for Females in Food delved into the importance of sustainability within the food industry. It examined consumer macro and sustainability trends accelerated by COVID-19, provided insights on climate change impacts, and identified opportunities for sustainability across the entire food system.